Buckaroo Back Support Miners Belt

The wearer receives added lumbar support

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Backed by an extensive research study conducted in 2008, the Buckaroo Miner's Belt is the preferred belt for undergound mining use. Teamed with the Buckaroo Shoulder Braces, the wearer receives added lumbur support. it has been recommended that for the wearer to receive muscular skeletal benefits such as reduction in hip and lower back discomfort, a Buckaroo Back Support Miners Belt should be available to underground workforces.

Extensive materials testing was undertaken in the intital design stages to identify the best performance materials to use for the production of the Buckaroo Miners belt. Considering the exposure to harsh environments and given the nature of the type of work this belt is used under, we ensure there are no unsafe elements to the Miners Belt.

Features include:

  • No conductive materials
  • The combination of materials used on our belts allow them to last under the harsh conditions in which they are used.
  • Only 100% natural Australian Wool Felt padding is used to avoid irritations to the wearers skin. being natural, it breathes in warmer climates and insulates in cooler climates.
  • Sizes range from 32 inch up to 46 inch. Larger sizes can be made by request, please allow one extra day turnaround.
  • No aluminium used

Sizes range from 32 inch up to 46 inch. Larger sizes can be made by request, please allow one extra day turnaround.

Please contact head office for further information on the research study conducted by BAC (Body Active Consultancy) resulting in the Buckaroo Miners Belt becoming the recommended belt for undergound use.

If you have any questions please ask us
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